Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fitness Shmitness

Decided to enter a triathlon after doing absolutely NO exercise for, oh, say a year.
But it's good for my body, and mind to get some oxygen and blood pumping around my body [low blood pressure, poor colonic function, tsk tsk] but seriously... people do this for fun??????

Setting off is ok, got the music going and nostalgic wind in my face... until it starts to burn.
Now, when I say it burns, I mean IT BURNS. In my legs, in my chest, down my throat...
and if I slow down to a brisk walk then it turns into a cramp.

So then I think, after a mere km, that maybe I should give the bicycle a go.
Forgetting, of course, that it's been about 4 years since I rode a bike properly... if not longer.
But on I hopped, and off I went... feet on the peddals, feet off the peddals, feet on, feet off.
Wobble, wobble, peddal peddal peddal, fiddle with the gears, nearly fall. Fiddle with the gears some more [I can't figure them out] up the road, down the road, up the drive way, bike down.
COLLAPSE on my bedroom floor..............................................
Feel like I'm going to vomit, but I don't want to admit that everyone was right about me not being able to do this, so I close the door and die quietly.

Not sure how long it's going to take for me to be able to run a km with out dying.
Not sure if I'm going to be able to get through the triathlon without dying, or if I'll be able to stick out the training long enough to get there.
But I shall persevere.

Hoping to survive the road,
Wishing I was dreaming in daisy fields...

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