Saturday, December 19, 2009


When I was younger, I loved christmas... but then, what kid doesn't?
But now, all I can see is the reality...
We spend so much money trying to show people that you care (do they not realize throughout the other 364 days?)
We spend hours preparing food, less than an hour consuming and the rest of the year trying to work it off.
I know it's the togetherness that's meant to make it all worth it. Seeing the family that you don't see often.
But it's different now...
My family is far away, and my friends are all growing up and moving away... overseas, and even though there are people around, I still feel a bit alone.

So now, when I should be wrapping presents and decorating the tree, I'm man down, can't leave the house kind of sick.
Is this karma, for not getting properly involved in the usual christmas process, getting excited etc?
Is it karma for saying that I don't really like christmas because it just reminds me how far apart we all are?

Or is it just a fluke?

Hoping to stop sniffeling,
Dreaming of Daisy Fields

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This morning...

I left for work…
Dropped 2 nectarines under my car…
Got in car, started car,opened garage door, reversed car, got out car, picked up nectarines, pants split, got in car, realised pants were split to badly to wear, got out car, closed garage door, unlocked house, changed pants, locked house, started car, opened garage door, closed garage door, got out car, hit my foot on nothing, unlocked house, got cell phone, locked house, started car, open garage door…. FINALLY left for work.

Either the universe doesn’t want me at work today, or it wants me to do exercise (it was pretty tiring, and my pants split) OR I got out of bed on the wrong side…

Hoping the day improves...
Dreaming of Daisy Fields